โWhatever arises, love thatโ
The topic of **love** has been showing up a lot for me lately. What does true love look like? How is it best expressed? Why do we sometimes block ourselves from letting it in?? I'm sitting here on the back porch, enjoying the 70 degree weather & journaling about love, when I look up at my @gtskombucha bottle and see this lovely little quote staring back at me: "Love yourself enough to approve of yourself."
What if.. Instead of trying to heal, fix, or change ourselves, we could simply love who we are-- exactly as we are-- knowing we are whole, complete, and perfect. What if all that our wounds and traumas really want is the space to be seen, felt, and loved?
I'm learning that when we move from THAT space, we will begin to make healthier choices for ourselves that are more in alignment with our true essence: love. The choices will be effortless, because love is the foundation.
I'm curious.. How does love express itself to you? How do you experience the love that is your birthright?
In service to our collective,
Aurianna Joy