November's Inspiration Sister: Rachel Bell

November's Inspiration Sister: Rachel Bell

In society today, masculinity and femininity are portrayed as "personality types" or "roles" rather than energies. Not only that, but masculinity and femininity are taught to be like oil and water-- you can pour them in the same bowl, but they'll never fuse together into one. They're seen as separate because they are so opposite.

When women are obsessed with being purely feminine, and men are obsessed with being purely masculine, they leave NO room for their full expression of both energies – therefore choking off an essential part of their emotional wholeness, forcing them to search for their “other half” in order to achieve some sense of wholeness within.

Honor The Space, The No-Thing-Ness

Honor The Space, The No-Thing-Ness

When we move away from the noise and into the silence of no-thing-ness, we first find ourselves facing the parts of ourselves that we have been trying to avoid-- the shadow aspects of ourselves that we consciously and unconsciously try to hide away from the world.

This is where the discomfort that we associate with the space comes from. We haven't been taught how to handle the no-thing-ness, whether it be in physical form or energetically, so we automatically do what we can to make ourselves feel full again through our addictions.

October's Inspiration Sister: Sharona Lautoe

October's Inspiration Sister: Sharona Lautoe

Sharona and I met at an event in Amsterdam in 2013, after both having volunteered for Tony Robbins' events in the past.  Sharona's magical energy was attractive from our first meeting. Whenever I see her beautiful smile and hear infectious laugh, I can't help but be in a more uplifted mood.

I've had the pleasure of watching Sharona transform dramatically in these last couple of years, more fully embracing who she really is and showing that to the world in an inspiring way.  Below you'll read a bit about Sharona's journey to embracing herself and letting her light shine brightly.  I hope her story inspires you as much as it has inspired me!