In a number of indigenous cultures, it's said that our memories are stored in the cellular memory of our hair. Our traumas, as well as our potential for power is stored there. This is why men and women undergoing initiation oftentimes shave their heads, to symbolize the transformation that is happening within as they let go of the old and make room for the new.
Be More You
In less than two years, I've gone from nothing to this. I built this from the ground up, following nothing but my own intuition about what to share and how to share it.
I never hired a business coach, I don't have sponsors, and I didn't take the advice of many of the people around me who, in their loving ways, said that in order to become "someone" I'd have to follow the standard internet marketing method-- market myself properly, track my statistics, yada yada yada..
Dancing in the Darkness
... I remembered what I learned during my initiation-- that I am an alchemist. In fact, we all are. We are spiritual and energetic beings capable of transmuting lower vibrational frequencies such as doubt and fear into higher vibrational frequencies like faith and love. The way we alchemize is to feel the rhythm of the moment through staying in the flow. To move the stagnant energies through and out by allowing ourselves to dance in the darkness.