... I remembered what I learned during my initiation-- that I am an alchemist. In fact, we all are. We are spiritual and energetic beings capable of transmuting lower vibrational frequencies such as doubt and fear into higher vibrational frequencies like faith and love. The way we alchemize is to feel the rhythm of the moment through staying in the flow. To move the stagnant energies through and out by allowing ourselves to dance in the darkness.
February's Inspiration Sister: Abigail Hopkins
With immense love, I am telling you from my heart: Your shadow does not degrade your existence. Rather, your shadow confirms your human existence. You are a feeling human. The duality of nature, creation and destruction, are found within the human spirit. Without one, the other cannot be present.
We must embrace the Shadow to which our existence is intimately paired. For you are a divine, multidimensional being- why cut yourself short of living in all the depth of your experiences?